Identify – act – eliminate – position! in these four steps we support you in managing corporate crises and restructuring processes. Our approach is to act actively and not to document your problems!

The goal of our work is to immediately regain the initiative by acting professionally and consistently. In doing so, we make use of all available reorganization and restructuring options. starkpartners is also closely at your side in such phases of a company, so that together with you, we can take the helm again.

Through the corporate crisis with external restructuring consultants


A corporate crisis is a time of uncertainty for all parties involved. During this time the functionality and stability of a company or business is impaired. In this difficult phase, company managers are usually hardly in a position to take all the necessary steps to solve the crisis on their own, because management and staff are primarily focused on day-to-day business. starkpartners is an external restructuring consultant who brings the necessary experience and know-how to the table and at the same time maintains an important – also emotional – distance. This enables us to bring movement into your company with new ideas and approaches.

Professional competence through specialization


Due to our specialization in business and professional fields, we have a disproportionate professional competence. starkpartners is constantly improving its internal processes, so we live quality in all our business areas. This results in a measurable added value for you, which is verifiable and proves the qualitative difference to our competitors.


Responsible for your success


Consulting means responsibility. Our aim is to achieve an optimal balance between the interests of all parties involved. starkpartners can be remunerated on a results-oriented basis. Thus, together with you, we bear the responsibility for your success. If you wish, we can also assume management responsibility in your company.

Motivation for change


In a crisis, starkpartners takes the necessary steps to bring the company back to the front in a situation of imbalance. In this way the motivation of all parties involved is raised again. Therefore, determination and courage for change characterize our way of working. The management and employees are brought out of their crisis-related phlegm and motivated for new ideas and goals.


Using our experience in the field of restructuring in a target-oriented way

At starkpartners, our years of experience in the field of restructuring / turnaround have shown that such processes have repetitive factors that cause efficiency and effectiveness to suffer:

Often the processes in restructurings show a lack of transparency by relying on too few assumptions. The complexity of the entire project is not properly assessed and the consultants fail to find a timely, simple and, above all, satisfactory approach for all existing stakeholders. There is only limited balancing of the various interests between the individual stakeholders.

Even at the consultant level, the benefits of communication, collaboration and coordination are rarely realised. The different advisory houses often work little with each other towards the common goal. One argument for the lack of cooperation between consultancies but also between stakeholders lies in a large ego of the actors as well as unofficial plans for the stakeholders’ own interests in the project.

A particular importance for the success of any restructuring project lies in the provision of the necessary financing and resources.

Not only do we have the necessary process-specific skills, but we have consciously improved our IT and organisational skills, above all to increase the speed of decision-making in the process. Economic and technological issues are at the forefront and are embedded in the existing framework of legal regulations. We are aware that restructuring processes are often not only complicated, but above all complex, and we have the necessary cognitive skills for this. With us, you have a partner who has mastered the art of successful restructuring / reorganisation by putting together the necessary transformation from a few easily comprehensible elements.



Range of services restructuring & reorganization / crisis management

starkpartners is excellently positioned with its range of services, i.e. the preparation of IDW S6 restructuring concepts, capital service capability according to KWG, legal advice from our partners and implementation as a full-service provider. We are ideally positioned to bring about realistic and sustainable solutions with all parties involved, even in difficult situations. The prerequisites for this are the creation of a viable communication platform, the restoration of trust between the parties involved, a well-founded and objective business analysis, a positive continuation prognosis and an implementable restructuring concept. The success of these efforts is usually under enormous time pressure, since the scope for action becomes smaller and smaller with increasing crisis intensity and the insolvency law liability risks for the parties involved become ever greater. Here, professional advice and support from a “neutral”, unencumbered moderator, mediator but also designer is absolutely necessary from the very beginning, before fronts and positions harden and porcelain is unnecessarily smashed. Thanks to many years of experience, starkpartners has developed into a renowned partner for restructuring, reorganization and crisis management.

Out-of-court restructuring becomes the central management issue in a corporate crisis. With the model of the crisis cycle, business management also provides an explanatory approach that enables an individual assessment of the current situation. However, this approach does not correspond to the definition of crisis under insolvency law. From the point of view of insolvency law, only the facts of (threatened) insolvency (§17, §18 InsO) and over-indebtedness (§19 InsO) are relevant. Both can already be present in a late phase of the crisis (earnings and liquidity crisis).  However, these facts do not necessarily have to be – and they concretize the threat situation. The timely involvement of specialists who are familiar with all aspects of restructuring is an important, often even decisive prerequisite for the successful realization of the restructuring objectives. The core tasks include the preparation and conduct of creditor negotiations and the conclusion of reorganisation agreements with all parties involved, with the aim of short-term crisis resolution and medium-term restructuring.


Our Specialists

Thorsten Stark

Thorsten Stark
Senior Partner

24/7 Uptime
Frank Jäger

Frank Jäger
Senior Expert / Partner

24/7 Uptime